A first for me: my bestselling climate fiction/cyberpunk novel REALITY TESTING has been given the narration treatment and is now available as a beautiful audiobook on Audible. Narrated by the acclaimed Libby Marshall, it clocks in at an impressive 10 hours and 45 minutes - that’s approximately 11 of your present-day commutes to and from work or four of your evenings where you sit scrolling aimlessly through streaming services, hoping that something, anything, will catch your jaded eye.
Just to remind the world of what Kirkus said about Reality Testing in their starred review:
“This is a bracing blast of neo-cyberpunk with some smart tweaks to the operating system.”
I wish there was another way to release it other than the Amazon overlords, but there isn’t. The market is cornered. In publicising the audiobook, I am not explicitly advocating the use of the company’s services. I have four free promo codes that I will give out to anyone who gets in touch.
i will never not enjoy the fact that my novel has the pistol from Halo on the cover