Didn’t write anything on here for a month, did I? Well, I just didn’t have time. I had it in my head and I kept thinking ‘tomorrow I’ll write something mildly interesting, tomorrow I’ll come up with “the four most disappointing novels I’ve ever read” or “what I talk about when I talk about playing epic guitar solos”, but the truth is I was deep into the revision process for Mekong Lights (cut….cut….keep….oh god, cut) and I didn’t want to break the flow, so I simply ignored this little blog. Imma set things right in December though! You betcha.
Not much news in the old roundup section: I did a Q&A over on Bidwell Hollow with Nick Barron about - you know it - By the Feet of Men, which I enjoyed because the questions were well chosen. And I had an essay accepted in Bluntly magazine about climate change, but it won’t be out until the end of December, so there’s not much point highlighting it now. Other than that? Nichts. Nada. Nanimonai. Revisions took up every free moment, I submitted no short stories and I received no interesting news except from my publisher except to say “Your novel has been published for 3 months now!”, which is one more than it was last month and one less than it will be next month.
And now……tunes:
my friend drew this for me and it rocks.